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5 Tips to help you ENJOY *guilt-free* your Holiday dinners

The Holidays are right around the corner, and if you live with prediabetes or Type 2 diabetes, you might be worried about the amount of food you will be facing!

I often hear comments like these from clients:

“I’m doing so well these days and my blood sugar is stable… but I’m afraid I’m going to overeat and gain weight after all the family dinners coming up.”

“I can’t see pumpkin pie and not have a slice!!”

“I don’t enjoy the Holidays anymore because I always feel guilty for eating a bit of mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce.”

Does this sound like you too?

In this week’s YouTube video, I’ve got 5 simple tips you can implement right away to help you navigate (and ENJOY) all the high-carb dinners and desserts. 👇